I lost My Keys…
When you lose your keys it can be a burden because it costs both time and money. More often than not customers want to only get one new key with the hopes of finding their old one. The fact of the matter is unless you have a basic metal key, your key has a chip that is programmed to your vehicle specifically. When a car locksmith makes new keys they perform what’s called an all keys lost procedure that removes all previous keys in that system in case the keys had been stolen or found by someone else. We do this to assure your vehicle is safe from thieves and on most vehicles it is required to add two when performing this procedure . This may be a little bit more expensive, but you will be happy to know that if you lose one you have a spare ready to go rather than having to book another emergency service.
If you don’t have a spare, save the time, money and worry by booking with us to assure you have a backup plan in the unfortunate circumstance when one may be misplaced. We service Gig Harbor, Bremerton, Tacoma, Auburn, Kent and Olympia on a regular basis and pride ourselves on serving our community by saving them time and money from going to the dealer.